
Boredom is like a pitiless zooming in on the epidermis of time. Every instant is dilated and magnified like the pores of the face.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Again, here i am...just one day after the previous post...

Today started good....i had an incident i didn't expect at the begining of my day, strangely nice.

Yesterday, i was preparing for an exam i had today...i turned the radio on, i tuned to BBC, there was a nice debate going is still going and it will go on as long as people live. A British academician was arrested in Austria in 1989 for denying the holocaust, or the concentration camps in the second world war. The debate was interesting because it compared the holocaust denial to the publication of the cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohamed(PBUH) the messenger of allah and the last of his prophets.

I read somewhere a quote by someone. the quote said something like, if a jew is right i don't mind agreeing with him. The quote came to my mind while listening to the BBC program and after an american jew called and had a rather interesting argument. He said, if my memory seves me right, that the holocaust should not be against the law, it is a part of history, and its denial is not that a big a deal, besides u can believe what u want. However, he says, the puclication was outrageous(not exactly what he says, but i'll use it) because it encourages violence against a certain category of people, while the denial of the occurence of the holocaust does not. This was the main theme of the show. Another jew, a holocaust survivor as he claims, said almost the same thing, the freesdom of speech is not free when it comes to the Holocaust, but when somebody riducules muslims or does something of the kind against muslims then it is freedom of speech and no one is allowed to protest it. Another contributer to the show, wonders if it is necessary for muslims to be killed by the millions to get the same considerations. Well, i think that's the main target, to exterminate and annihilate every muslim on the face of the earth, and it is aready happening. u can start counting if u think otherwise. just count how many innocent civilians, are killed daily in Iraq, Afganistan, Chechnya, and let alone Palestine. u can count from here to one month, and u will be astonished by the numbers. If you count from the last four years, then you will see that this is not far from the so called Holocaust.
Some people may think ill of me. you may say that i am an anti semist(is it correct?) and call up the UN and tell them to arrest me and hand me over to the United states which will put in Guantanamo, send me to secret torture jails in syria, or in turn, hand me over to The Mosad(Israeli Intelligence). Well, u know, i don't mind that, but let me clear one thing. I think it is strongly and commonly thought that Islam encourages the hatred towards Jews or Christians for that matter. This is not so. Islam encourages no hatred of any kind. Islam encourages nothing but well being of all human beings, be it muslim, jew, or christian. If u see a jew living in a muslim country u wouldn't know him from a muslim unless he wears what differentiates him from others. you will not see him treated ill, or being thrown to jail for no apparent reason, nor will u see him cursed or ridiculed, and the same goes for christians. Now, i never had any encounter with a jew, not so far though, neither have i known a christian well. But this is the general behaviour and believe of a muslim, i think. You see, you might find a young enthusiatic muslim, in the age of 17 may be less, who is willing to go over to Israel, blow himself to pieces taking two or three soldiers with him, or just causing disturbance and killing no one, as is most of the cases, you may find another one willing to go to Chechnya, take a Klashinkov(Correct?), stand in front of a russian tank and start shooting. But you will never find someone being harmed in muslim country by anyone, with the exception of some few "Militant" groups, who are banned by every law in the world, and are the subject of a religious controversiary. You may say that this is the same thing, killing civilians in israel or in iraq, same thing. but let me increase ur info for a bit. For your kind information, in israel, Military service is obligatory with no exceptions, and everyone in israel have had extensive military training, and is ready to go shoot him some palestinian ass whenever required. so, basically these aren't civilians, at least in the eyes of the suicide bomber. Another thing that makes muslim willing to put on the military gear in other countries but their own, is that these countries are in a state of war against other muslim countries, and therefore it is the duty of every muslim to fight them until his death or the return of the taken land, be it Chechnya or palestian or Iraq.

to continued....


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